Friday, January 25, 2013

I Asked for It

Nexus 7 Thievery Update: I double checked with the SU and such - no one turned the device in. I decided to call Google one more time to see if they'd had a change of heart. 

They did.

They're going to disable the stolen device, and release the auth hold on my credit card. What's more, they're giving me a full refund for my original device. And, since the device has since gone down in price since I first purchased it, I'll be able to pick up a 32 GB Nexus 7 (I originally had a 16 GB model) and still have 30 bucks to spare.

For those of you doing the math, I was just paid $30 to upgrade my device. And I'm 100% OK with that.

It all worked out in the end.

Oh, and to the @$$hole who stole my tablet: Enjoy your brick!

A Winner Is Me!

Day Four: "C'mon you Husky Dogs!"

Cold. Again. Like last time, only MORE so. Also I forgot my long johns. 

I had flashbacks of marching band rehearsal, tediously moving set to set, saliva freezing solid in my goatee, my lips frozen to the mouthpiece of my trombone. Dr. Mills poised atop the band box, smiling - SMILING, even - seemingly unaffected by the apocalyptic cold, fixing us with a critical eye and crying, "ONE BIG STEP AND YOU'RE BACK!", steam bellowing from his mouth.

I roll-stepped all the way to my first class. And by "all the way" I mean I quit after 20 yards or so. Shin splints.

(One big step!)

My poli-sci course is filled with youngsters, but I've used to that. I've even gotten used to my TAs all being younger than me. But this one, sshe had just graduated. As in graduated in 2012. As in she looked as young if not younger than my classmates. She made a point of mentioning how young she was, supposedly making the point that she could relate to us (them). She had a high, child-like voice and spoke in that jarring, all-over-the-place California accent that I love so much.

I checked out mentally once she started talking about Twitter.

We were soon separated into groups and made to play "getting to know you games". Turns out, there were 3 'Andrew's in my class, and we'd all been randomly assigned to the same group. Interesting.

Without cell phones, these kids aren't much for talking. In fact, when she suggested we find something that everyone in the group has in common, one of the kids whipped out his cell phone. I'm still trying to figure out what he planned to do with it.

Class was quick and painless and, honestly, the kids in my group were ok. Turns out we all play an instrument. And there was just enough of a nerdy frat vibe to remind me of marching band.

I thought of the cold again and shuddered involuntarily.

I briefly considered hanging out on campus for a few hours, maybe having a look around or doing lunch, but quickly abandoned the idea.
I just wanted to be home where it was warm, and everything was familiar.

Monday comes quickly, and I'm already knee-deep in homework. But this is what I wanted, right? This is what I asked for!

...I think.

Oh, homework, how I wish you were beer.

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