Sunday, June 23, 2013


Day 0: One of the messy truths about my going back to school is summer classes. The "messiness" specifically refers to the unwanted interruption from laying on the couch all day with a hand in my pants reading The Hobbit for the fourth time (ironically, of course) while sipping room temperature beer.

The "truth" part is self-evident.


I can feel a childish tantrum lingering just at the back of my throat, a tickle that won't quite become a cough. I want to complain, to rally against this horrible injustice of summer school - the very antithesis of all things free and young and fun. Even though I can intellectually justify interrupting my summer "vacation" to go back to school (necessity notwithstanding), emotionally it's still a tough sell. Granted, I understand that I wouldn't have had much of a summer vacation otherwise (and by "otherwise" I mean "if I was a normal 30-something holding down a 9 to 5) but it still sucks. Conceptually.

Tomorrow begins six weeks of summer courses - Spanish 3 and Spanish 4 respectively (and consecutively).

Espero que vaya hacer bien.

Here we go again.